Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is not impossible. However, it will probably not be 10 pounds of fat. Some of the weight loss will most likely come from water. Losing a considerable amount of weight quickly is not recommended and can be dangerous. Check out more safety tips on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks at the reputable blog https://raisetwice.com/improvement/how-long-does-it-take-to-lose-10-pounds/.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that people who want to lose weight strive to lose 1-2 pounds per week for a safe and healthy weight loss. While some people may be able to lose more weight per week at the beginning of their weight loss journey, this is not possible for everyone.

Those who do manage to lose a lot weight should be aware that this rate of weight loss is not consistent. People trying to lose more than the recommended 1-2 pounds per week should do so only under the supervision of a physician.


There are risks associated with rapid weight loss:

The risks increase the longer a person follows a very restrictive diet designed for rapid weight loss.

Losing 10 pounds is a very realistic goal that can be achieved over a longer period of time than 1 week. To lose 10 pounds, a person can do the following.

Follow a low-calorie diet.

Cutting calories is the key to weight loss.

The number of daily calories burned depends on:

* age
* body size
* activity level

If a person consumes fewer calories per day than their body uses up, they will lose weight.

People should follow a very low-calorie diet to create a calorie deficit. This calculator can give you an idea of how many calories you need to consume daily to lose weight.

Most authorities recommend not eating less than 1,200 calories a day when trying to lose weight.

Avoid junk meals.
Unhealthy foods are:

* high-calorie
* incomplete
* lacking in nutrients
* large amounts of carbohydrates
* large amounts of salt
* very processed

Examples of unhealthy foods include:

* candy
* pastries
* processed snacks
* most desserts.

People should try to eat whole foods consisting of a single ingredient to reduce calorie and carbohydrate intake.

Add lean protein

Lean protein helps build up muscle. Lean protein also helps a person feel more satiated after eating. This can mean that a person eats fewer fewer calories at a meal and, feeling satiated, can give up unnecessary carbs, which can lead to weight loss.

Move more.

Simply moving can help burn calories, and burning more calories can help a person lose extra weight in 2 weeks.

Ways to add more movement to daily life include:

* parking farther from the door
* walking breaks of 5 to 15 minutes
* walking at lunchtime
* taking the stairs